- The catalyst for the transformation of serious strength athletes, from amateur to professional
- The TRUE functional training as it is REALLY done by elite athletes competing at Olympic level in heavy athletics
- The best ways to prevent injuries and gain time while avoiding most errors and issues
- The best thought-out sports nutrition for maximal strength and power
- About Emmanuel Legeard
Recents articles
- Entretien avec Michel Broillet
- Entretien avec Marc Vouillot
- Flexions de poignet : changez votre façon de faire !
- Entretien avec Marcel Paterni
- L'athlète complet : du pied d'argile au talon de fer
- Entretien avec Jean Texier du 5 mai 2011
- Préface d'Emmanuel Legeard à L'Haltérophilie au service de la préparation physique, 2015 (Parietti, Maurelli, Vouillot)
- Jean Pierre Brulois, the Son of Apollon by Emmanuel Legeard

Musculation les fondamentaux
"Emmanuel Legeard has written a genial book thanks to the splendid anatomical drawings, very accurate tables and to the text work which is remarkably exhaustive, while being very well written and an easy read at the same time." - Jean Texier, Le Monde du muscle, Muscle magazine, and French 'legend of physical culture' (Ben Weider).
Auteur : Emmanuel LegeardEditeur : Amphora - 2008 (out of print)

Force entrainement & musculation
"I have read (Emmanuel Legeard's) book quite a few times and every time I re-read it I find something more in it." - Christophe Broutin, Elite Judo Fighter, Drug-Free World Powerlifting Champion.
Auteur : Emmanuel LegeardEditeur : Amphora - 2005 (out of print)